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Guaranteed Pure Highland Beef


The logo belongs to Highland Beef Limited, Scotland.

It is an enterprise subscribed to by Highland Breeders to market ...

Guaranteed Pure Highland Beef.

Their message is simple and clear ...


Periodically, Highland Beef Limited publish a small news letter.

The article below will be of interest to Highland Cattle breeders worldwide.

Guaranteed Pure Highland Beef IS Healthy!

Scientific tests carried out in 1997 on Guaranteed Pure Highland Beef by the Scottish Agricultural College - the National College for Food, Land and Environmental Studies demonstrate convincing evidence that GPHB is significantly lower in Fat and Cholesterol, and higher in Protein and Iron than other beef.

Food scientists at SAC led by Dr Ivy Barclay, Head of the Food Science and Technology Department have published analytical results which have been determined on Pure Highland Beef cuts comparing each grade of meat with results from all beef published by McCance and Widdowson * at the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF).

Pure Highland Rump 4.2 45.8 22.4 2.0
MAFF ALL Beef Rump 13.5 63.0 18.9 2.3
Pure Highland Shoulder 4.7 42.2 21.6 1.9
MAFF ALL Beef Shoulder 10.6 63.0 20.2 2.1
Pure Highland Sirloin 7.1 37.0 21.8 2.3
MAFF ALL Beef Sirloin 22.8 67.0 16.6 1.6
Pure Highland ALL Cuts 4.5 40.9 20.7 2.1
MAFF ALL Cuts 15.6 64.3 18.6 2.0

* The composition of Foods, McCance and Widdowson, MAFF

A further study was carried out and published in 2011 ...

The Health and Tenderness of Highland Beef by Charles J. Bruce (PDF file)

Abstract: "The results show that there are preferential characteristics within the Highland beef when compared to the commercial samples, with the iron, protein and tenderness all proving to be statistically better than the commercial samples. — This is a highly saleable marketing point within beef ..."